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  1. F

    Passive Income Earner Best investment ever. Prophet trading. Automated money

    So, I have been doing some digging into this company and its owners. From what I can tell this lad Jack Harwood breifly worked at a company called Opulence. How long he worked there and when he started are unknown, but then he created the...
  2. F

    Passive Income Earner Best investment ever. Prophet trading. Automated money

    Mainly word of mouth, couple of mates have heard about it and put money in and seem to be making profit, but i just wanted to try and find out some more info before i invested any money into it.
  3. F

    Passive Income Earner Best investment ever. Prophet trading. Automated money

    Not bad, nice to see its making money, could you add me to the telegram? I fancy checking it out, username:Forty98
  4. F

    Passive Income Earner Best investment ever. Prophet trading. Automated money

    Quite interested in this, been hearing good things, still making good profits O.P?