CC's Pocket Money Diary


New Member
Feb 12, 2015
I've been on here a little over a week and had some great feedback to my inane questions. I thought it high time I started one of these.

In the last week I have:
  • Signed up & been approved at WhatUsersDo (but I missed out on accepting a task because I was at work and now its closed).
  • Signed up and done the assignment task for uTest (awaiting approval now)
  • Signed up and done a bunch of surveys for GlobalTestMarket, this looks like hard work for your money so far. Seems like I'm screens out a lot and you have to make 182 market points for £5 for paypal. I have something like 64.
  • Signed up for Roamler and StreetSpotr
  • Got my blog ( up and running (no ads on it yet, you have to wait 6 months for adsense eligibility on blogger and I haven't had a chance to investigate other ads)
  • (unrelated to TheMoneyshed) Finally moved my Santander mortgage to my Santander acct to take advantage of the cash back offer
  • (unrelated to TheMoneyshed) Finally moved into the 21st Century and organised online banking so I can stay on top of my finances
  • (unrelated to TheMoneyshed) Finally registered my super drug loyalty card online so I can take advantage of my student discount there once again

So in terms of actual cold hard cash made this week? I'm actually down by £5 for my domain name and £4 for a paint app to enable me to annotate screenshots. Doh! I'm sure these things take time to build momentum.

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