Bitcoin / Crypto $50 USD worth of MCO sign-up bonus Worldwide* - BG50 Referral Program plus Metal Visa Card


Feb 8, 2020
First of all, to avoid any need to stake 50 MCO to unlock the bonus. More details here:

So this company is gaining a lot of traction recently with their new metal MCO visa cards which has 0% Fees, no commission on spending and gives up to 5% cashback for ALL purchases you make, anywhere Visa is accepted. Depending on how much MCO you stake, you can also get free Spotify and Netflix subscriptions, as well as, 10% rebate for Expedia and Airbnb bookings. A quick list of benefits are: 1) Available in UK, US, Europe, Singapore, Australia...(they keep adding more) 2) Zero annual fees, 3) Overseas spending in foreign currencies, 4) interbank exchange rates, 5) Lowest card tier is free to acquire, 6) Up to 5% cashback on purchases and 6) Free shipping. Here are details on the card tiers they offer:

I actually joined to test out their interest earning options for cryptocurrencies. At the time of writing, these are up to 8% p.a. on the supported cryptocoins. 12% p.a. on stablecoins and up to 18% p.a. on CRO. These vary depending on whether you want immediate access or are willing to leave it locked up for 1 or 3 months, as well as, how much MCO you have staked. They also provide loans and other features which I haven't look into but feel free to do so.

Overall it looks very promising and seems to have the best crypto visa card atm. What I like most are 1) absolutely no fees to use the card, 2) it comes with 5% cashback on all purchases and 3) higher tier cards provide several perks such as free netflix and spotify, and 4) its a metal card which for some is a perk in itself (available with a minimum of a 50 MCO stake, which is also the requirement to unlock the referral bonus MCO).

If you're interested in signing up for the bonus and/or card, make sure you use my referral code to get the $50 USD worth of MCO (if you recently signed up without a code, you can still add it within the first 10 days of creating the account by going to App Settings -> Referral Code )
Referral code: u8e9z6rmvw
or link:
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